The woods are cold, the ground is covered in fresh snow. Beautiful.
The owl flies over to perch on my shoulder.
she whispers in my ear, "Of course..."
With the owl on my shoulder I walk forward into the dimly lit woods.
It would be terrifying if it wasn't so stunning, alluring almost. The woods get darker as we walk.
"Why are you here?" said the owl. I think for a minute and then conclude "Well because I'm dreaming, lucid dreaming..."
The owl lets out a laugh the echos through the forest. "Well done!" she hoots. I bend down to touch the snow. It's warm. Suddenly I remember what my question was "Does it get better?" I ask. "I should think so", the owl replied "nothing is bad forever". "Do they find me?" I ask. "Yes" says the owl. "Do I find me?", I whisper. "Wake up." says the owl....
I wake up to find my dad in my room. "Wake up"
What does it mean?
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