Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crowdsurf Off a Cliff...

Ha. My mum thinks I'm depressed. She woke me at 8:00 am just to ask me if I was. Lovely mom. No I'm not depressed. Maybe discontent, maybe a bit bored. Not depressed. I feel a little trapped. I just want my life to change for the better. I want something amazing and grandiose. I want to escape. Oh well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mics That Don't Feedback.

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I hope you are enjoying my blog or maybe you are just enjoying making fun of my blog. Either way I need your feedback. What am I doing right? What are some relevant topics you would like me to talk about. What changes should I make? What music should I feature. Should I delete my blog and die a very painful death so I can never start a new one? These are the kinds of things I would like to know. I will except your brutal honesty.

Please comment this post with any suggestions you might have :)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I still read Junie B. Jones.

First Love.

I remember you. I remember you smiling. I remember the places we went to be alone. I remember loving you. I don't remember anything. I remember you using me. I remember looking into your eyes.
I got lost. I got lost. I got lost.
I knew that you were perfect. I knew that you were a liar. I knew what you wanted. I didn't know anything. I knew you would hurt me. I knew I shouldhave been running.
I couldn't move. I couldn't. I couldn't move. (silly girl, why couldn't you move.)
Now I hate every place we've kissed. I hate hearing from you. I hate thinking about you. I hated losing you. I hate your name. I hate everyone that came after me.
Love. Love. Love.

Oh first love, I remember kissing every one of your fingers. I knew how hard I'd fallen for you. I hated it.


Oh shut up!

How utterly sinful it is to be taken over by lust. I delightful to let desire take the wheel. If I told you what I was would you react? Would you say yes? Would you let me? Would I let you? Maybe I want you because I can't have you. Maybe I just want to know what it feels like to conquer you. Maybe...

I highly doubt it.
I don't want you at all.

I think...

Slip,Trip, Break My Neck?

I like to think that I was blessed with many talents, but poise isn't one of them. If you know me at all then you know am the type to fall down a flight of stairs on a regular basis. It's a wonder that I have yet to break a bone. I'm also clumsy in relationships. So this is an apology. Sometimes I have issues walking in a straight line. I stumble when it's inconvenient and I'm falling when you need me the most. I'm sorry for those times. Maybe over time I'll develop some form of grace. I'll stop falling and taking everyone down with me. I'm so sorry.


Monday, February 23, 2009

The Return of Junie B.

Hello :)

So, it's been a while since I posted on this blog. I decided to get back in the swing of expressing my thoughts constructively. If you are a regular viewer, which I'm assuming you are not, you may have noticed that I deleted some of my older posts. You may be thinking, "Why, Miss Blogger-Lady, would you do something that". Well reader, the answer is quite simple. My older post sounded far too melancholy upon review. I am glad to report that I am much happier now. I wanted my blog to reflect that. I didn't delete all of my rather depressing post. Just the ones that were not only sad, but rather pointless as well. Anyway, it's good to be back. I'll be posting a lot through out the day. Feedback is much appreciated.
